B i o g r a p h y

Anna-Louise Cole is an Australian dramatic soprano, who has made a series of important role debuts in recent years, to universal acclaim. Her roles include Brünnhilde (all operas), Sieglinde, Turandot, Lady Macbeth, Elsa, Chrysothemis, Venus (Pariser Fassung), Tosca and Aïda.
Cole’s debut as Brünnhilde in all operas in the third cycle of Opera Australia's new production of the Ring in Brisbane was celebrated with extended standing ovations and five star reviews. Celebrated as a “born Brünnhilde” and an “ideal Wagnerian singer”, Cole’s performances across all three operas were praised as being “convincing theatrically, and dazzling vocally” as well as “tremendously appealing”. Her “spine-tingling”, “luxurious,” “big, warm, flexible voice” and “clear, sumptuous soprano” has a “voluptuous lower register […] full of warmth and depth, while her glorious top notes are thrilling.” She was also praised in both English and German language press for her clear diction and commitment to the text and drama.
Cole's "sensitive", "highly nuanced" "exemplary" and "perfect" portrayal of Sieglinde in the first two cycles of the Brisbane Ring was noted for its "sumptuous" "rich, creamy" "clear and fresh" delivery, "astounding" power in both lower and upper registers, supported by "the highest acting skill" and "outstanding" delivery of the text. Her "lushly powerful and commanding" performance showed a singer "with a certainly big future" and a "true Wagnerian sound".
Cole’s stunning 2022 début as Turandot for Opera Australia at the Sydney Opera House also thrilled critics and audiences alike. Limelight Magazine spoke of her “glorious lush voice with rich depth and warmth. Her top notes are brilliant, but she is impressive across her entire register.” Sounds Like Sydney said "it was a tremendously poised performance from this young artist, who impressed with her deep musical sensitivity, dramatic talent and mastery of her precociously powerful voice. Her voice has laser-like focus but loses none of its beauty either in solo or when it rises like a shaft of light above the ensemble, chorus and orchestra."
In 2022, Cole made further significant débuts as Chrysothemis for Victorian Opera and as Elsa in Lohengrin for the Teatro Communale, Bologna, Italy, both widely praised by critics. As Chrysothemis her high notes were praised as “jaw-dropping” and in Bologna she was called the “ideal Elsa”.
As well as the Ring for Opera Australia, in 2023 Anna-Louise also made debuts as Lady Macbeth (Verdi) for Opera Queensland, Venus for Opera Australia in Hamer Hall in Melbourne. Her Lady Macbeth was praised for “beautiful ethereal coloratura, alongside deep, throaty contralto notes that were astonishingly well managed and ravishingly sung” as well as for the “magnitude of her stage presence [and…] intensity and texture of her acting”. Her Venus was characterised as “sultry and tempting”, “full-blooded and fearless”, “world-class”, “radiant” and “captivating”.
Anna-Louise has worked with conductors including Phillipe Auguin, Andrea Battistoni, Umberto Clerici, Asher Fisch, Johannes Fritzsch, Pietari Inkinen, Renato Palumbo and Leonardo Sini, and with directors including Neil Armfield, Chen Shi-Zheng and Luigi De Angelis / Fanny e Alexander.
Anna-Louise Cole is a former member of Opera Australia’s Moffat Oxenbould Young Artist Program, currently based in Germany. For Opera Australia, Anna-Louise made her title role debut as Aïda for Griffith Opera on the Beach in 2017. She has also performed the roles of Crobyle in Thaïs, Gerhilde in Die Walküre and Dritte Norn in
Götterdämmerung in the 2016 Melbourne Ring, and was nominated for a 2017 Green Room Award for best
Female in a Supporting Role for these performances.
As the winner of Opera Foundation for young Australians Vienna State Opera Award, Anna-Louise worked in the principal ensemble of the Wiener Staatsoper from January–June 2017, where she performed the role of Melanie in the new Kinderoper Patchwork, and understudied numerous roles . With other companies, Anna-Louise has performed roles including the title role in Tosca, Erste Dame (Die Zauberflöte) and der Friedensbote (Rienzi) with companies including the Victorian Opera and Melbourne Opera.
Born in Melbourne, Australia, Anna-Louise holds a BA Hons in German and a BMus Hons in Music Performance (Voice) from the University of Melbourne. During her degrees, Anna-Louise also studied at the Kunst Universität Graz, Austria and Karl-Ludwigs Universität, in Freiburg, Germany, through scholarships from Melbourne Abroad and the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst.
Anna-Louise has been a winner and finalist in many singing competitions, including the AIMS and Sundell Study Awards, the Elizabeth Connell International Singing Competition for Dramatic Sopranos, the Herald Sun Aria, the German Opera Scholarship and the Lady Fairfax New York Scholarship from the Opera Foundation for Young Australians.
Anna-Louise has appeared in numerous opportunities on the concert platform and in recital in Melbourne, Sydney and Vienna. Highlights have included performances of the soprano solos in Mahler's 2nd and 8th Symphonies (Magna Peccatrix), Rossini’s Stabat Mater and Mozart’s Mass in C Minor and recitals of operatic arias and Lieder, including Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder, Lieder by R Strauss and J Marx, and Berg’s 7 frühe Lieder.
For further information please see: https://opera.org.au/artists/anna-louise-cole
Lebenslauf: D e u t s c h
Die australische Sopranistin Anna-Louise Cole ist eine der wichtigsten dramatischen Stimmen ihrer Generation. Sie wird sowohl von australischen als auch von europäischen Kritikern für ihre „kraftvolle und gefühlvolle Bühnenpräsenz“, ihre schöne Stimme und ihre „glänzenden Kopftöne“ gelobt.
2022 gab sie ihr Rollendebüt in der Titelpartie in Turandot für Opera Australia am Sydney Opera House. Limelight Magazine bezeichnete sie als „eine enorm talentierte, junge dramatische Sopranistin… Ihre hohen Töne sind spannend… sie hat eine herrliche, üppige Stimme mit reicher Tiefe und Wärme.“
Weitere Rolledebüts im Jahr 2022 gab die junge Sopranistin als Chrysothemis in Elektra für Victorian Opera und als Elsa in Lohengrin (zugleich ihr europäisches Debüt) am Teatro Communale, Bologna, Italien.
In 2023 gab die Sopranistin weitere Debüts als Lady Macbeth (Verdi), Venus (Pariser Fassung), Sieglinde und Brünnhilde in Die Walküre, Siegfried und Götterdämmerung. Cole wurde als “geborene Brünnhilde” und “ideale Wagner-Sängerin”bezeichnet und für ihre darstellerische Fähigkeiten und ihre “schöne, strahlende Stimme in Höhen und Tiefen” von Kritikern gelobt.
Anna-Louise sang unter Dirigenten wie Phillipe Auguin, Andrea Battistoni, Umberto Clerici, Asher Fisch, Johannes Fritzsch, Pietari Inkinen, Renato Palumbo und Leonardo Sini und arbeitete mit Regisseuren wie Neil Armfield, Chen Shi-Zheng and Luigi De Angelis/Fanny e Alexander.
An der Opera Australia in Sydney war sie in den Jahren 2018 bis 2020 Mitglied des Moffat Oxenbould Opernstudios, wo sie in Rollen wie die Titelpartie in Aïda, Gerhilde/Die Walküre, Dritte Norn/Götterdämmerung und Crobyle in Thaïs, und oft konzertant zu hören war. Für andere Theater war Cole als Tosca/Titelpartie, Erste Dame/Die Zauberflöte und der Friedensbote/Rienzi zu hören.
Auch als Konzertsängerin ist Anna-Louise Cole sehr gefragt. Sie ist bekannt für ihre Liedinterpretationen, insbesondere von Werken von Wagner, R. Strauss, Korngold und Schönberg.
Cole war während der Spielzeit 2016/2017 Stipendiatin der Opera Foundation for Young Australians an der Wiener Staatsoper im Ensemble, wo sie Melanie / Patchwork im Kinderoper gesungen und zahlreiche Partien wie Donna Anna / Don Giovanni, Amelia / Ballo in Maschera und Tosca / Titelpartie vorbereitet hat.
Cole ist auch mehrfache Finalistin und Preisträgerin von Gesangswettbewerben, unter anderem AIMS and Sundell Study Award, Elizabeth Connell International Singing Competition for Dramatic Sopranos, Herald Sun Aria, German Opera Scholarship und Lady Fairfax New York Scholarship von der Opera Foundation for Young Australians. Sie ist auch 2017 für einen Green Room Award als Best Singer in a Supporting Role für ihre Vorstellungen als Gerhilde und Dritte Norn und 2022 für einen Green Room Award als Best Singer in a Leading Role für ihre Vorstellung als Chrysothemis nominiert.
Cole hat einen Bachelor of Music mit Auszeichnung in Gesang und ein Bachelor of Arts mit Auszeichnung in Germanistik von der University of Melbourne, Australia. Ebenso ist sie erfolgreiche Absolventin des Deutschen-Akademischen-Austauschdienst-Winterkurs-Programms der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, und des Erasmus Programms an der Kunst Universität, Graz.